Cherokee Film Productions creates groundbreaking, award-winning and first-of-its-kind documentaries that include both feature-length and short-form formats. “Osiyo, Voices of the Cherokee People” is our successful and highly entertaining flagship program that has won 29 Heartland Regional Emmy Awards as well as numerous nominations. Our docuseries has also won Best Independent Production at the Public Media Awards. In addition to OsiyoTV, our short films have won acclaim and awards at national and international film festivals.
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ᏩᏯ Waya, Saving Our Red Grandfather

The Red Wolf is not only the most endangered wolf in the world, it’s quite possibly the most misunderstood. In this 30-minute documentary, we explore the Red Wolf’s cultural significance to the Cherokee people and why conservationists hope indigenous knowledge will help save it from extinction.
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Media Contact

Leanna Reeder

Public Relations Specialist

[email protected]
